Monday 3 February 2014

First Tri of the Year - TNT Dynamite Sprint

Ready to go!
My coach Sharon shared the information about this Tri with me a couple of months ago. In her words "It's really fun!". I'll admit, I wasn't sure it would be. Part of me wanted to do it, as the money for the race went towards a kids triathlon group, but I didn't know how competitive people would be or how I would feel about riding on my trainer and running on a track for a race. I hummed and hawed and finally when my neighbour Jayme (who has never done a tri before)agreed and signed up, I realized I needed to sign up too.
After a restless night in a mediocre hotel, I woke up early, had a good breakfast and a coffee and we took off to Collicutt Centre. The race set up was extremely well organized with both adults and kids there to help. I set up my trainer and bike, tested it out, checked out the pool and chatted with some other racers (including a fellow Team Tri-Lifer) and before I knew it, the race meeting was starting.
I was in the 9th heat for swimming and with only two lanes, I knew it would be quite a wait. I cheered on Jayme who was in the 1st heat and chatted with my teammate.  Having someone to chat with sure calmed any nerves I had been feeling.
Not alot needed for an indoor tri transition!
After about 40 minutes, it was my turn. I let my lanemate go first as I had a very sore throat (turned out to be strep!)and I thought this would hold me back today. I started with a good pace and before I knew it, I was close behind him. I miscounted my laps (thought I had 12 laps to do, not 24) and believed I was almost done so I gave it the gas and passed him. It was quickly after that I realized I had 15 laps to go, not 3, so I pulled back a bit but still gave it a strong, consistent effort.  The pool was HOT, so it was hard to keep motivated to swim at a race pace. All I could think about was turning grabbing a floatie, laying on my back and snapping my fingers at Jose who would bring me an extra strong pina colada. Maybe it was this daydreaming that got me through, but I finally saw the dip of the pool noodle, indicating I had one more to lap go, so I gave it my all and then jumped out of the pool.
My next stop was the dry station. There were some boys with towels and a timer. I had to stay for 10 seconds to dry off. When they gave me the go ahead, I jogged to the gym, put my socks, shoes, and helmet on and hopped on the bike.
Almost finished...
The bike was a really strange experience. Before the tri, I was asked for my quickest bike time in a previous race and this was used as my time for this race.  They had the kids timing us and they would tell us how much time left and when to get off.  It turns out that people manipulated their bikes and computers last year, so they tried it this way.  I liked it. It sure made it a more relaxed race and took the pressure off! I rode at a good pace, but knowing I wasn't racing or aiming to beat a time, I didn't feel the need to give it my all. I drank water, chatted with my bike neighbour and enjoyed the music. When my time was up, I slipped on my running shoes, half ass jogged up to the track and started my run.
I felt slow... my legs felt heavy and after just a lap, my throat was aching and was extremely dry. I felt I couldn't find a good pace until midway through the run. I felt frustrated that I couldn't catch up to anyone and I felt like I was being lapped by everyone! At the end, I thought I had a lap and a half, when all that was actually left was half a lap. I sprinted it, crossed the silver ribbon finish line and was greeted by my husband's smiling face and a young boy bringing me a much needed cup of water.
Crossing the finish line!
We waited for the results and my swim averaged :56min/100m and my run was a 5min/km.  The run was better than I expected. After some thought about my run, I realized that I was running with the fastest of the group, so it is no wonder I felt so slow! Seeing my results made me feel a lot better about my race.
All in all it was a good day. It was amazing to be able to race in February and in such a friendly environment. I was disappointed there weren't more people as I thought it was a worth while cause and would be such a great experience for someone who wanted to try a Triathlon. I hope they keep this triathlon going and I hope more people will give it a try. I know I will be back! 
Thanks for joining me Jayme! Great job on your first Tri!


  1. Cool to hear how your indoor triathlon went - good job! I hope your throat feels better.

    1. Thanks! After a day of antibiotics, I'm already on the mend!

  2. Hey Sarah. This sounds like a fun Tri in during these chilly winter months. Do you train with a club or just have a coach? The reason I ask is because I've been looking for a good club for beginner triathletes in Calgary and thought you may have some insight.

    1. Hi Lindsay! It was a great tri! Apparently there is another at Talisman Centre in March. I train with Team Tri Life with Coach Sharon. The team is a good mix of people. Alot doing Ironman distances, but others like me who stick to the shorter distances. It's a great group of people and Sharon is amazing in helping me push myself and holding me to my goals. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have as I have only been into this sport for a year and half and consider myself a beginner...
